Threads, Knots, Tapestries – How a tribal connection is revealed through dreams and synchronicities. The concept of the Tribal or Communal field first emerged into my consciousness from my initial analysis out of my own dreams. The whisperings and soft hints were all around me, but it has taken years of observations and curiosities to discover a workable model for this almost – ignored layer of the psyche. The communal field is, simply put, the intersection of psyches in the unconscious. It is where we meet – and overlap and interconnect and affect – each other’s realities and life path. It is relationship. It is, in classical Jungian terms, referred to as the objective level of dreaming, where exterior objective (“real”) data manifests in the dream world. The objective approach to the meaning of dreams is in contrast to the ubiquitous, highly symbolic, subjective approach to dream images – where all aspects and figures in dreams are understood to be parts of the dreamer.